How to calculate your 8-hour equivalent (LAeq,8h)


Noise exposure and Hearing Protection Class selection: Selection of hearing protection is based on the eight-hour equivalent (LAeq,8h) and not on a peak level. To find the right LAeq,8h you can use the calculator below, and fill in the noise levels at your workplace and how much time you spend in those levels.

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Happy New Year from team Pacific Ears

What a year 2020 has been, let’s not do that again! Unfortunately, Covid-19 is still very present for everyone and every country all over the world. New Zealand is one of the luckier ones where we are all able to move freely within NZ, going to large events etc. So apart from tracking where you have been make sure to keep your hearing safe as well when you do attend concerts, festivals, race events or other loud noise events.

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December Newsletter: Crazy how time flies

Summer water hearing protection

Just as we are easing into our somewhat normal lives, Christmas is just around the corner and gift buying will drive everyone nuts! Sort your gift shopping right here. In December we are running multiple special deals and sales. Feel free to share this newsletter/blog with family and friends and you may receive a wonderful Christmas present yourself!

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